The Technology Innovation
Alliance that Boosts
your business.

Protect your business, customers and data with our Technology
Alliance in Cybersecurity Services.

Protecting your digital world,
anytime, anywhere

Our range of products and services

We offer a comprehensive range of Information Technology (IT) services, from initial consulting and assessment to implementation, training and managed services. Our customer-centric philosophy, backed by solid experience and technical expertise, enables us to provide customized solutions that empower companies to achieve their goals, optimize their operations and stay on the cutting edge of the latest technology.

Asesoría y Levantamiento

Get personalized advice and strategic recommendations to optimize your systems and processes.


Implementation and ConfigurationWe implement customized technology solutions, seamlessly integrating them into your existing infrastructure.


We configure your systems and train your staff to maximize their use. Empowering your autonomy.


We proactively monitor and manage your systems, ensuring performance, security and availability.


Digital Transformation to maximize your company's performance

Active in all companies in which the use of technologies and Digital Transformation is key to the success of their business.

Cyber Defense Solutions

Ensures business continuity with tailor-made cyber defense formulas.



Quick implementation
to your new IOt network

The solution that connects you to your IoT network that you can scale without limits.




Cybersecurity Awareness Program

Security Awareness Program focused on the User, you will be part of those who have decided to be a Human Firewall, train with us and learn about our e-Learning Courses.

Leaders in digital transformation digital transformation in the region

To contribute through technology to the development of the societies where we operate.

Get the ultimate in cybersecurity through our service alliance backed by advanced CAMEL Secure technology.

 Asegura la continuidad del negocio con fórmulas de ciberdefensa hechas a medida.

Plano Ouro

Enriqueça e analise o rastreamento, registro e métricas em tempo real com a topologia de aplicação gerada automaticamente.

Plano Prata

Enriqueça e analise o rastreamento, registro e métricas em tempo real com a topologia de aplicação gerada automaticamente.

Plano Padrão

Enriqueça e analise o rastreamento, registro e métricas em tempo real com a topologia de aplicação gerada automaticamente.

Gold Plan

Enrich and analyze tracking, logging and real-time metrics with auto-generated application topology.

USD 1.900/month

Silver Plan

Enrich and analyze tracking, logging and real-time metrics with automatically generated application topology.

USD 1.300/month

Standard Plan

Enrich and analyze tracking, logging and real-time metrics with auto-generated application topology.

Plan Enterprise 3

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Enterprise 2

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Enterprise 1

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Gold

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Silver

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Standard

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.