AI-driven security

Simplify and accelerate your vulnerability management
in one central dashboard with a risk and business view.

Experience the world's most advanced cloud-native security operations
platform for threat detection, investigation and response.


Experience the world's most
advanced cloud-native security
operations platform for threat
detection, investigation
and response.

Simplify and accelerate your
vulnerability management
in one central dashboard
with a risk and business view.

Vulnerability analysis and management

The first software that allows you to integrate vulnerabilities from multiple platforms and manage them in a central dashboard with a risk and business view.

Observability and Reponse

Cloud-native observability software designed for hyperscale, with fast, modern search and powerful correlation. Offers detailed reports, advanced dashboards and efficient case management tools.

API Vulnerability Manager

Your APIs are undergoing changes all the time, even without your knowledge. Plugins are being updated, different users are logging in to make edits, and the systems your site uses are also being modified.

Detect. Defend. Defeat

More than 90% of breaches originate from compromised credentials1 – and most security tools can’t help. CAMEL offers an innovative combination of capabilities that security teams need in the products they will want to use. Advance your security operations: detect threats, defend against cyberattacks and defeat adversaries with CAMEL.

¿Quien es Camel Secure?

Hoy contamos con presencia en USA y Latinoamérica gestionando el riesgo tecnológico de importantes Empresas de forma agnóstica y transversal.

Camel Secure es fundada en 2018 por un equipo de expertos en Cybersecurity y desarrollo de sistemas críticos.
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y análisis de

CVM, es un producto que pertenece a una nueva y exclusiva generación de “Vulnerability Manager”, orientado a visualizar y gestionar las vulnerabilidades tecnológicas de las organizaciones desde la perspectiva de su negocio, dejando atrás la forma tradicional de cálculo del riesgo dependiendo de la criticidad de las vulnerabilidades de su infraestructura.


Gestión de vulnerabilidades a partir de asignación a grupos resolutorios.

Cálculo automático de SLA de cumplimiento normativo.

Auto discovery de  infraestructura y CMDB propietaria.

Análisis de vulnerabilidades de infraestructura y web en una sola plataforma.

We calculate the cyber risk of your business.

Operations intelligence

Real-time monitoring and troubleshooting

Increase efficiency in problem resolution. Camel helps you reduce your cybersecurity gap and move from reactive to proactive monitoring with a SaaS service mode for rapid acquisition and implementation.

Security intelligence

Respond to threats immediately

Quickly detect threats with our SIEM, analyze and manage vulnerabilities and ensure their elimination using Camel Secure.

Business intelligence

Make better decisions

Enable data-driven business decision making with our risk matrices or heat maps of your business.

Virtual intelligence

Continuous, cloud-native cybersecurity platform

It adapts to your infrastructure and assets, regardless of the size of your company.

Anytime, anywhere

Get complete visibility into enterprise data from anywhere in on-premises and cloud-based environments. See all your security vulnerabilities and what they mean for your business with simple clarity and intelligent prioritization.You no longer need IT to report issues to you, you’ll know about them all the time.

All control.
A central panoramic view.

A powerful platform that includes everything you need for IT Risk Management; SIEM, Vulnerability manager, Asset Discovery, Incident response, Compliance and much more.

Camel in Action

Total visibility of the process, from the moment you found the vulnerabilities until you mitigate them. The entire organization will value your work, always available in intuitive dashboards. You control the SLA compliance of the groups specialized in resolving vulnerabilities. Manage user profiles, so they see only what is appropriate.

We facilitate the visualization of your cybersecurity activity with quality information through an intelligent and centralized platform. While our specialists accompany you in your risk management with our SOC aaS managed service.

What drives our turbines

Our integrations

Accelerate workflows powered by CAMEL AI

Take control of your vulnerability management

Plano Ouro

Enriqueça e analise o rastreamento, registro e métricas em tempo real com a topologia de aplicação gerada automaticamente.

Plano Prata

Enriqueça e analise o rastreamento, registro e métricas em tempo real com a topologia de aplicação gerada automaticamente.

Plano Padrão

Enriqueça e analise o rastreamento, registro e métricas em tempo real com a topologia de aplicação gerada automaticamente.

Gold Plan

Enrich and analyze tracking, logging and real-time metrics with auto-generated application topology.

USD 1.900/month

Silver Plan

Enrich and analyze tracking, logging and real-time metrics with automatically generated application topology.

USD 1.300/month

Standard Plan

Enrich and analyze tracking, logging and real-time metrics with auto-generated application topology.

Plan Enterprise 3

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Enterprise 2

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Enterprise 1

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Gold

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Silver

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.

Plan Standard

Enriquezca y analice seguimientos, registros y métricas en tiempo real con topología de aplicaciones generadas automáticamente.